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  • Xiaoyue Cheng

Xiaoyue Cheng is an assistant professor of mathematics in University of Nebraska at Omaha. Her research interests include statistical visualization, interactive graphics, machine learning, classification, Exploratory data analysis, missing data analysis, time series, statistical simulation and computing.

Xiaoyue Cheng

Xiaoyue Cheng

Assistant Professor


  • Statistical Visualization
  • Machine Learning
  • Exploratory Data Analysis

Academic and Professional Experience

Xiaoyue Cheng is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. She received her Ph.D. in Statistics from Iowa State University in 2015, and her Master and Bachelor’s degrees in Statistics from Renmin University of China. Xiaoyue has taught courses at different levels at UNO including machine learning, time series, mathematical computing, statistical methods, etc.

Xiaoyue’s research interest includes data visualization, interactive graphics, statistical computing and simulation, machine learning, image object recognition, and exploratory data analysis. She has served as PI and co-PI of three research grants and has extensive interdisciplinary research experience in a variety of fields including public administration, K-12 education, psychology, public health, medical clinics, engineering, aviation, agronomy, and business marketing. She is the main author of six R packages and six visual dashboard web applications.

Xiaoyue is a member of the American Statistical Association (ASA). She has served as the Associate Editor of the R Journal since 2020, Editorial Board member of the National Accounting Review since 2019, and served on the Review Panel of the Student Paper Award, ASA Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics Section in 2019 & 2020. Xiaoyue is elected as Secretary/Treasurer of ASA Nebraska Chapter for 2021-2024.


  • Williams T., Cheng X., Majumder M., Hastings M., Suh H., Dash K., and Yeo J., Collaborative Big Data Review for Educational Impact, School Community Journal, 30(2), 93-104 (2020).
  • Schiermann K., Cheng X., Fox H., Totusek S., Heithoff A., Dye A., and Majumder M., Interactive Visualization on the CNS HIV Anti-Retroviral Therapy Effects Research, JSM Proceedings, 2684-2695 (2018).
  • Majumder M., and Cheng X., Focusing on the Needs: Experiences of Developing a Data Science Program, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26(4), 779-780 (2017).
  • Luna F., Cheng X., and Majumder M., Interactive Visualization of Latino Political Participation in Nebraska and USA, JSM Proceedings, 3698-3709 (2016).
  • Cheng X., Cook D., and Hofmann H., Enabling Interactivity on Temporal and Longitudinal Displays, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 25(4), 1057-1076 (2015).
  • Cheng X., Cook D., and Hofmann H., Visually Exploring Missing Values in Multivariable Data Using a Graphical User Interface, Journal of Statistical Software, 68(6), 1-23 (2014).
  • Xie Y., Hofmann H., and Cheng X., Reactive Programming for Interactive Graphics, Statistical Science, 29(2), 201-213 (2014).


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Acoustic Emission Data Processing via Machine Learning.


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U.S. Public Library Performance Study.

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Student Course Taking Behavior in Nebraska Public High Schools.